Payday Evolution Loan: How to Get a Mini Loan on Postepay Credit Card Online
Getting the postepay evolution loan has now become very easy for the holders of this card and above all they are more and more requested because of the ease in obtaining them and also the speed in seeing them accredited. Before talking about the loan in question it is necessary that you know what the postpay evolution is. This is the new card put on the market by Postal service Italy, it is rechargeable and to buy it only takes 10 euros a year. Request now your free estimates for personal loans:
The evolution is nothing more than the evolution of the old postpay, the small but substantial difference is that it is also combined with the I BAN and then allows you to access the Postal Bank Mini Loan or Loan Postal Bank online. The huge success that is getting this card is not only due to the possibility of requesting a loan, but also to many others the services that the old postpay did not allow, such as the credit of your salary, the payment of utilities, toll booths motorways, to receive and issue bank transfers; a lot of services that make the life of the card holder much easier for a variety of reasons.
How to get the Postpay Evolution loan
Explain the characteristics of the card now we explain how you can apply for a loan directly with the postpay evolution. First of all to apply, you must be in possession of some basic requirements for all other loans. Logically the first almost obvious is to be owner of a postpay evolution, you need to have reached the age of majority and that does not exceed 70 years, you must present a valid identity document and finally must also submit a certificate of income; this can be a paycheck, a pension slip or even a tax return. Apply for a personal loan now online and receive free estimates:
Foreign citizens can also apply for postpay evolution loans, but they must present their passport together with a residence permit and it is essential that they have been working in Italy for at least a year. What are the sums that can be requested with the postpay evolution loan. We speak in this case of a Mini Loan and then the sums that can be requested are not very high, but still good to solve small economic problems. There are three types of money that can be requested, the lowest is 750 euros to be repaid in 15 months, then there is the possibility to request 1,000 euros with return within 20 months and the highest amount that can be requested is 1,500 euros from reimburse no later than 24 months. The accreditation can take place directly on your postpay evolution as well as the reimbursement, but this is established at the time of signing the contract, which takes place only in person in one of the offices of Postal service Italy.
Loan payment methods
As said, the payment method is chosen at the time of signing the loan agreement and can be done either automatically by the card or through postal slips, logically to the sum disbursed must be added to the interest income, which must also be repaid to Postal service Italy. There is also this possibility for you, that is to request at any time the early repayment of the postpay evolution loan. The transition is very simple, apply at the offices of Postal service Italy and refund in one installment the remaining amount including interest, which will logically be lower than those that you should pay for the remaining term of the loan.
How to apply for a postpay loan without a permanent job or a pension
If you do not have a paycheck or a pension slip that can certify a monthly income you can still apply for the loan, because the income can also come from odd jobs, from rents as can be those of the rent of a house or shop or even thanks to invested capital.
To avoid doubts and risk losing the opportunity to see you accepted the loan, the best thing to do is to present all the required documentation at the offices of Postal service Italy, will then be the employees to study your economic situation and give you the final response on your request. So it’s better not to put your head in front of you, always better to try in doubt.